Park Avenue Building - 2nd & 3rd Floor , Putalisadak , Kathmandu
Park Avenue Building - 2nd & 3rd Floor , Putalisadak , Kathmandu
PTE Academic is a computer-based academic English language test aimed at non-native English speakers wanting to study abroad. It tests Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. Questions often test 2 skills together, such as listening and reading or reading and speaking.
Know the Test Format
Make sure you understand the structure of PTE Academic. A better score requires an understanding of the test's structure and question kinds. It's crucial to do the following to raise your overall score:
Duration and scheduling: What is the duration of each PTE Academic component? What is the allotted time for each kind of question?
Quantity: How many components make up the test? How many inquiries are there?
Layout: How are all of the questions shown on the screen?
Directions: For every sort of inquiry, what task must be finished? In what way are answers documented?
Types of questions: In what way are the various question kinds displayed on the screen? Which assignments must be finished? Which abilities are evaluated? How are answers graded?
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